Industry Insight: Why you need to keep your eye on Collective Impact
Industry Insight: Why you need to keep your eye on Collective Impact

  The Australian agricultural sector has trending downward produce price pressures and upward farm input price pressures. What this highlights is the urgent need for productivity improvement, we believe that a key part of the answer to this need is 'Collective Impact'. It's widely accepted that the key to productivity growth is innovation. Innovation for producers has typically [...]

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Digital Provenance & Local Food
Digital Provenance & Local Food

The Huffington Post published an article back in 2014 that explored the ways in which the social activity of eating was being influenced by social media use. It concluded that global food culture was undeniably digitised, that sharing ‘food’ posts on social networks were the modern version of sharing a meal with friends and family. It is hardly surprising then, that FOOD is one of the most posted […]

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